Friday, May 20, 2011

The End is Near

In the news lately, there is a group of so called Christian Activists who have found a secret code in the Bible that is marking the end of times to be Saturday, May 21, 2010.
These people actually believe that tomorrow is the day that those glorious trumpets will sound, and Christ will be riding in on his chariot, calling all his children home.
"No one knows about the day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” Matthew 24: 36
So, maybe I am wrong, but when I read Matthew 24:36 I interpret it as follows, no one; no man, no woman, no genius person who can find some 'magical, secretive code', knows the day of the second coming. In this verse it even says, “nor the Son.” The son, meaning Jesus. Jesus does not even know the day. Only the father knows the day.
I have a problem with these so called Christian Activists. If they were truly Christians then they would have faith and believe every part of the bible, including this verse. I can’t  seem to be able to wrap my head around why these people think that they are worthy to know the day of the second coming when it says that even the Son doesn’t know it.
As with everything, we have to take the good with the bad. No, I do not think Saturday is going to be Judgment day, but these people are making a lot of publicity. They are opening minds and reminding people that Judgment day is coming. They are sharing the message of Christ. There are people out there who are listening and maybe deciding that they too need to prepare themselves spiritually for this glorious day.
"When we engage in this kind of wild speculation, it's irresponsible," said the Rev. Daniel Akin, president of the Southeastern Baptist Seminary in Wake Forest, N.C. "It can do damage to naive believers who can be easily caught up and it runs the risk of causing the church to receive sort of a black eye."
We should all be preparing every day, because we never know when our last moments on this Earth may be. I hope that God has a sense of humor, that he is able to laugh at this and have mercy. I also hope and pray that this is not a ‘black eye’ on the church and that people are able to not pay too much attention to these predictions.

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