Wednesday, August 3, 2011

On Break

     Well it's Chris, Megan is workin to bring home the bacon while I am on break!  She has been really excited to get started in her class room.  The last teacher wasn't very organized.  She came home yesterday and said that she has the principle's kid in her class along with some other of the faculties' kids.  That tells me just how much they thought of my wife when they hired her.  I think she is a little nervous though. 

     It's my third day on break and I am getting a little bored.  But I am not complaining because when the fall semester starts, I will be any thing but bored.  Right now I am a anxiously waiting to see my grades from the semester I just finished.  Brian and I did go fishing last Monday.  Brian did more of the catching than I did.  We kept two flounder but caught 2 bass, a red fish, and a lady fish.  Brian had one fish on that pulled the boat against the trolling motor.  It even frayed his line.  Never did see it though.  We both enjoyed getting out on the water.  I will have a license the next time we go, maybe I will catch more then.  Well, that's my break so far.  I will probably make another post before my break is up.

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